Monday, May 23, 2011
Waiting for Baby Girl Project #3: Sort through outgrown clothes
Friday, April 22, 2011
Waiting for Baby Girl Project #2: Flower Hair Clips
I recently went to a class to learn how to make hair clips and headbands for baby (or little) girls. Here is one I made for a friend's daughter:

Here is one I made for Leah:

Monday, April 18, 2011
Waiting for Baby Girl Project #1: Morning Routine Chart
In an effort to stay sane until baby girl makes her arrival later this summer, I have come up with several projects to occupy my mind and time. I thought it might be fun to document those projects on this blog. Here is the first one:

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Scripture Study
A few weeks ago, we decided to start doing our family scripture study from the actual scriptures instead of the children’s storybooks. Of course, since our children are preschool age, we limit our family reading to one verse per person; and since the children cannot yet read, Anna or I whisper the words into one child’s ear, a few at a time, inviting him or her to repeat them aloud. The children absolutely love feeling like they’re reading, and we love that they’re learning to love the word of God.
This evening, we were reading in the First Book of Nephi, chapter 8. It was David’s turn to “read,” and I was whispering verse 10 in his ear. The following conversation ensued:
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘And it came to pass…’ ”
David: (giggles and whispers something incoherent—a common problem).
Jeff: “Come on, David; say it loudly: ‘And it came to pass…’.”
David: (says something slightly less incoherent).
Anna: “David, please say it nicely.”
David: “And it came to pass!”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…that I beheld…’ ”
David: “That I befald.”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…a tree…’ ”
David: “A tree.”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…whose fruit…’ ”
David: “Fruit.”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…whose fruit…’ ”
David: “I dunno.”
Jeff (trying hard not to laugh): “No, David; ‘…whose fruit…’.”
David: “I dunno!!!”
By this point, Anna and I were laughing so hard, we had to pause our reading. ^_^
This evening, we were reading in the First Book of Nephi, chapter 8. It was David’s turn to “read,” and I was whispering verse 10 in his ear. The following conversation ensued:
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘And it came to pass…’ ”
David: (giggles and whispers something incoherent—a common problem).
Jeff: “Come on, David; say it loudly: ‘And it came to pass…’.”
David: (says something slightly less incoherent).
Anna: “David, please say it nicely.”
David: “And it came to pass!”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…that I beheld…’ ”
David: “That I befald.”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…a tree…’ ”
David: “A tree.”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…whose fruit…’ ”
David: “Fruit.”
Jeff (whispering): “ ‘…whose fruit…’ ”
David: “I dunno.”
Jeff (trying hard not to laugh): “No, David; ‘…whose fruit…’.”
David: “I dunno!!!”
By this point, Anna and I were laughing so hard, we had to pause our reading. ^_^
Monday, January 17, 2011
Well, I'm sure that you can imagine a few things have changed since Halloween. I'm surprised it's been that long since I've posted, but not super surprised. The beginning of November begins the busy season for our family (as with a lot of families). Between November 1st and December 31st, my side of the family has 8 birthdays and 4 wedding anniversaries, not to mention Thanksgiving (which is sometimes Leah's birthday), Christmas (which is also someone's birthday), and New Year's Eve thrown in for good measure. It gets just a little nuts around here. That's my excuse, anyway, and I'm sticking to it for now. ;-)
Leah is now 5! It's really hard to believe. This age has really struck me hard for some reason. It's probably because she's now in preschool and seeming so much older by the day. I'm starting to wonder what it's going to be like to have a kid in kindergarten. I'm feeling stubborn about turning her over to the public school system, not because I'm morally opposed to public education, or anything. I just can't believe how short my time having her all to myself has been!
Leah (and us, of course) got to have a nice visit from her birthmom, Kellie, the week of her birthday. We did a lot of fun stuff like the children's museum and birthday party stuff that week. We hadn't seen Kellie for about 4 years, so it was a great time to catch up. Leah had her very first "friend-only" birthday party. It was a blast! I was so glad that we were able to have fun with some of her new preschool friends.
My brother Eddie and his family also visited that week (since it was also Thanksgiving), and it was fun to have them staying at our house. Kelly (my sister-in-law), was sweet enough to make Leah some awesome cupcakes for her family birthday party. Grandma and Pop also came into town for a few days, so we had a house full of guests for about a week. :-D
Christmas was fun, and we had some more family with us during that holiday. Grandma and Pop came a week early and celebrated with us so that they could be with Jaci on Christmas (and then head down to SC for their annual visit with John and Mary Lou). My sister Becca and her husband Dave stayed with us for a few days, including Christmas day. My sister Rachael was also home from college and hung with us for a bit before heading back to school. We certainly did make a lot of family memories during this holiday season!
Jeff and I celebrated our 20th anniversary of knowing each other and 13 years of marriage on December 30th. It's hard to believe we've known each other that long! He surprised me with some great gifts (namely, some diamond earrings and an awesome mix disc/video compilation). We went out to eat while my sister Rachael watched the kids. Pretty laid-back, but still enjoyable!
The new year has been pretty quiet after all the family and celebrations, but it has brought some changes in our family, mostly for David. He finally "graduated" from nursery at church into primary. He did great the first couple of weeks, but we experienced a few problems yesterday. He spent a fair amount of the time upset because "primary is just so different." I'll admit I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what is so different (they still give the sunbeams snack, but there is no play time; I guess that could be the issue). He hasn't been very specific about what is bothering him. :-/ Hopefully, this is just a small blip and all will be fine. He also started preschool at Leah's preschool this week (though on opposite days), so it's been a big week of adjustment for him. He seems to love preschool, so hopefully that continues to go well.
I think that pretty much brings us to now. Things should stay quiet for a little bit as we get used to the new schedule with both kids in preschool. Looking forward, I personally hope to get a little more organized this year. I have already begun this process and hope to keep chugging along with it. We, of course, also hope that this is the year we get to add another child to our family. :-D
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010
Halloween is my favorite holiday, and Leah and David are my favorite kids. Put the two together, and this is what you get:

If you're unfamiliar with the children's show Yo Gabba Gabba, Leah is dressed as Foofa (described in the theme song as "pink" and "happy," a pretty good description of Leah anyway) and David is dressed as Plex ("a magic robot"). If you haven't seen the show, you should tune in sometime. It's an acquired taste for some, but the four of us appreciate its good values and quirkiness.

If you're unfamiliar with the children's show Yo Gabba Gabba, Leah is dressed as Foofa (described in the theme song as "pink" and "happy," a pretty good description of Leah anyway) and David is dressed as Plex ("a magic robot"). If you haven't seen the show, you should tune in sometime. It's an acquired taste for some, but the four of us appreciate its good values and quirkiness.
We now have enough candy to last us until next Halloween (unless we do something creative like regift it to other unsuspecting trick-or-treaters or try to pass it off as Christmas candy for the stockings).
Monday, September 27, 2010
David's Greatest Wish
While David and I were waiting in the pick up line at Leah's preschool the other day, we had a good conversation about our future baby. First of all, any time we've asked the kids whether they thought the baby would be a boy or a girl, David has always said it is going to be a boy and Leah has always said it is going to be a girl. Naturally! So, David was talking about his hypothetical baby brother as we waited for Leah the other day. He was insisting that we name the baby David. I lightheartedly drew his attention to all of the reasons that would not work so well. ("When I yell 'David' up the stairs, how will you know which David I need?") He quickly decided another David would not be the best idea. I asked him what other names we might use for the baby, and he said "Sarah?" to which I replied that, yes, we had been thinking about the name Sarah if the baby is a girl. He said something along the lines of "Oh, a girl named Sarah? Maybe we'll have a boy and a girl." I told him that would be great, but explained that it would probably be a boy OR a girl.
Fast-forward to this afternoon. David heard me finalizing some baby-sitting with my sister, Aubrey. She has agreed to watch David and Leah while Jeff and I meet with our adoption worker. I had told David earlier today that he'd get to play with his cousin Jacob on Wednesday because Mommy and Daddy were going to go to Indianapolis. While I was on the phone with Aubrey, David asked if we were going to Indianapolis today. I reminded him that, no, we'd be going on Wednesday. Both kids wanted to know why we were going to Indianapolis, so I explained we were going to meet with our adoption worker. I told them the adoption worker would help us when we adopt our baby. I was quick to say that we weren't getting our baby on Wednesday (I knew that would be the next question). David looked at me with his big, blue eyes and a serious face and replied, "Well, could you please tell him that we need a boy and a girl?" I gave him a squeeze and told him I would but that I still wasn't sure it would happen. ;-)
I'm glad the kids are excited about the new baby. I can't help but notice how excited they are when they get to be around their younger cousins and other babies and children at church and play group. They are just in awe, and I think that's really cool!
kids say the darndest things,
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