Our family made a shopping trip to Meijer on Saturday, to take advantage of their awesome deals. Among the items on sale: Teddy Grahams, which make a great morning snack for the kids. Strangely, there’s a new kind of Teddy Grahams that’s shaped like Disney Princesses—wouldn’t that be Princess Grahams?—so of course Leah noticed that immediately and just had to have it. (No, we don’t give in often, but Graham crackers are a pretty good choice, so I let her have that one.)
Yesterday after lunch, Leah noticed that Mommy was in the pantry and made a beeline for her, in hopes of getting some of her Princess crackers. Unfortunately for Leah, Mommy isn’t so easily swayed and informed her that no, she couldn’t have any right then, that she’d just had lunch and it wasn’t snack time. So our little girl, with all the indignation she could muster, placed her hands on her hips and responded:
“So change your mind!”
Wouldn’t it be great if life were that simple?